We’re all familiar with landing pages. But what about squeeze pages? The squeeze page is is a landing page, but with a singular purpose: to get the user’s email address. But, let’s face it, users aren’t always bubbling up to hand over their contact info to companies. After all, when companies have a user’s emails it inevitably means that, well, they’re gonna be getting emails from the company.
So, how does a squeeze page convince users to hand over their email address?
The success of a squeeze page is dependent on two main aspects: the hook and the look. So the user is gonna give you their email, but what do they get out of it?
Well, it’s your basic trade deal. In return for the email, you offer the user a free downloadable PDF file, or a special discount, or something specifically geared towards your business.
This is where you as the company need to go The Godfather on this and make the user an offer they can’t refuse.
- Want a free PDF cookbook? Sign up now.
- Want an invite to a special event going on at our business location? Send us your email.
In addition to the deal, the design is also an important part of your squeeze page. You want to keep it clean and concise. Design your squeeze page so that users know exactly what you want – their email – and exactly what you’re going to give them for it.
Your squeeze page should be equivalent to Morpheus of The Matrix, who offers only two options: take the red pill and opt-in, or take the blue pill and move on. Don’t link them to your social media or website; this page is for one thing, and one thing only – getting that email.
After they opt-in- you should link them to a thank you page then quickly give them what you promised. Otherwise, they may not stay opted-in for long.
The squeeze page is another great marketing tool your company can use to cultivate a digital audience. For more info about squeeze pages, check out this article from unbounce, or contact CrowdSouth to talk to one of our digital marketing professionals. Let us get started growing your digital audience. Trust us, we literally do this for a living.

Pokemon Expert and vintage video game fiend, Jacob is our resident web developer and the happiest person in the office (even if he wore an Eeyore costume for Halloween). Don’t let him fool you though – he can throw some shade.